AIRTECH Heating & Cooling Corporation, one of our valued Dealers, professionally installed Respicaire OXY 4 Air Purifiers for MIKUNI, the OEM manufacturer to improve their indoor air quality during the 2020 pandemic.

Respicaire Air Purifiers show noticeable improvement!
"We had Respicaire air purifiers installed in our office because of COVID and immediately noticed a dramatic improvement in air quality. I have recommended these units be installed at our company’s other locations as well!" , says Bonnie from Mikuni American Corporation.
Mikuni American Corporation is one of the leading manufacturers for various types of carburetor and other automotive related products.

The OXY 4™ is an Advanced Ionic Photo – Catalytic Oxidation Air Purifier that uses
Ultra Violet light & catalytic reactions to create ionically charged airborne oxidizers. These
highly effective oxidative air cleansers freely circulate throughout indoor spaces to help
reduce and eliminate molds, virus, bacteria, microbes, odors & VOCs.
The OXY 4™ has demonstrated inactivation of SARS-Cov2 Virus in Seconds!