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Your Protection Indoors!

Why Indoor Air Quality matters to all of us?

It is a well known fact that indoor air can affect the health of people who live in them. Ever since the dramatic rise in energy costs, air tightness in our homes, schools and buildings has created the phenomenon of “trapped indoor air pollutants”. Statistics show, we spend up to 93%* of our lives indoors! We live, work, grow & play in artificial environments. The concern is, how how clean are they?

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Did You Know that?

Many colds, flue and respiratory illnesses are contracted indoors.

97% of all the particles in the air by count you cannot see.

Children breathe 3 times faster and they tend to absorb more pollutants and toxic gases, VOC's & vapors than adults.

The growth of Allergy, Asthma & Respiratory illness track almost identically with the growth of A/C sales.

The airtight syndrome is alive & well......our airtight homes & buildings trap indoor pollutants contributing to illness.

Outdoor Air is hard to control… Indoor Air can be purified by investing into a High Efficiency Air Cleaner and UV Air  Purifier

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Respicaire Air purification technologies work around the clock to help remove lingering odors for a fresher breathing environment.

Do you know these Airborne & Surface Microbials

Many of us are aware of the ill effects associated with polluted indoor air. We know that the "Quality" of our air is degraded by airborne microbials, allergens, pollens, spores, chemicals, virus, gases & molds. This challenging mix has contributed to the dramatic rise in allergy, asthma & respiratory illnesses.


What can Respicaire
do for you?

Respicaire dedicates its energy to engineering effective products to help you and your loved ones breathe Healthier and Cleaner Air Indoors. The Respicaire Healthy Indoor Air Solutions feature various latest technologies which are currently used in the market across the world.

For the past decades, we have heavily invested into testing our products for efficacy against the airborne & surface Viruses, Bacteria, Mold Spores, Odors, VOCs as well as Micro-Particulates such as Pollen, Smoke, Dust, Dander and more.

You, your family, your loved ones are important to us therefore Respicaire offers various product solutions to meet your needs.

Do you suffer from frequent colds each season?

Does poor air quality trigger your allergy and asthma?

Do you get itchy eyes or cough when indoors?

Would you like to have cleaner, healthier Indoor Air?

Respicaire has validated the effectiveness of various products and technologies through the Independent 3rd Party Test laboratories in USA.

Respicaire Technologies
have shown to Inactivate various Viruses
including Influenza Virus, Human Corona, Adino as well as SARS-COV-2 that causes COVID 19 


Technologies used in Respicaire products have demonstrated rapid inactivation of the Coronavirus strains, including the virus SARS-COV-2 IN SECONDS!


*The Tests have been performed by certified 3rd Party Laboratories. While real world results can vary, it helps to know that we take pride in our product performance and invest constantly to confirm efficacy.*

Various tests were conducted by  3 Independent 3rd Party Labs

Respicaire offers science-based air cleaning solutions to help reduce and inactivate airborne & surface microbials.

We take pride in delivering some of the most effective air purification technologies in the HVAC marketplace.

Corona Virus
Your Protection Indoors!

Colds & Flu Season

We all know how Colds and Flu can influence our day to day life. Home & Building construction is considerably more air tight,  trapping many types of pollutants indoors. The quality of our indoor air is degraded by trapped airborne microbials, allergens, pollens, spores, chemicals, virus, gases & mold spores.

We often hear complaints about flue, recurrent colds, sinusitis, stuffiness, congestion, respiratory irritation, chemical sensitivities, fatigue and many types of allergic reaction. These can peak in heating & cooling season when windows & doors are closed to preserve energy costs.

Tired and sick at work
Your Protection Indoors!

Asthma, Allergies
& Respiratory Issues

Polluted Indoor Air is often one of the triggers for people with respiratory challenges. Many indoor environments suffer from contaminated air where airborne Pollens, Dust, Virus, Mold, Spores , Gases & VOC's  create a toxic soup that remains suspended unless treated.

Allergies to pollen

Even the EPA states that indoor air may be 5 to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air....and in some cases it may be even higher. Such indoor environments are full of Airborne Particles that can include pathogens &  Microbes.

Add to this mix airborne chemicals, gases & VOC's and you begin to see how challenging such an environment can be, particularly for people with Allergies & Asthma. These contaminants contribute to discomfort and interfere with our general well being.

Your Protection Indoors!
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Chemicals & VOC's

It is overwhelming when we realize r the amount of airborne chemicals that may be released into the atmosphere daily. Air is one of the  the most important "life sustaining fluids" yet we often overlook the contaminant load that it must sustain. It is now estimated that 80,000 new chemical combinations are engineered every 90 days (worldwide) with long term impact, rarely researched or understood. There is nowhere on earth where these chemicals are not found including pristine environments that are no longer unaffected.

Oddly many of us invest thousand of dollars into new vehicles (chemical contributors) before we invest a few hundred in effective air cleansing product solutions. At Respicaire, we know that  airborne chemicals & volatile organic compounds (VOC's) can compromise one's health. Many may be toxic & hazardous and travel easily through indoor air spaces. The good news is that they can be controlled with effective Air Cleansing technologies.

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Why are CHEMICALS & VOC's a concern?


Volatile organic compounds - are carbon based gas compounds that migrate at room temperature. These chemical vapors may circulate in indoor air and may include toxic combinations like toluene, benzene, formaldehyde, styrene & many more. Molecules are off-gassed by Furniture, Carpets, Artificial Flooring, Adhesives, Glues, Paint, Drywall, Bedding, Plastics & many more household materials.


We can be exposed to numerous chemicals on daily basis. They may be present in the air, food and water. Some harmful chemicals can be present even  in  products we use daily  at work, at home and at play. Exposure to many of these chemicals may affect your health and immune system. For example, Phthalates affect human hormones and children development. They are widely used in flooring, shower curtains, synthetic leather.

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Gases & Odors

Another concern in our homes, apartments, offices and indoor living spaces are the trapped airborne gases and odors. These noxious vapors contribute to our indoor air pollution load. Many are well known irritants that cab compromise our respiratory health. They are often present in our modern way of living so it helps to add air cleansing technologies that can minimize or remove these vapors and airborne pollutants. 

How Gases & Odors
affect Indoor Air?

Gases are “air-like” molecules that expand as vapors to fill any available air space in our homes, offices, schools & buildings. They are unavoidable and a product of modern living. These gases float in our air and have the capacity to create multiple combinations. Odors are part of this airborne family and a function of daily indoor life.

Gases & Odors can linger, be toxic & frequently unwanted. They can be quite effectively oxidized & absorbed with several of our Respicaire air purification products. The combination of Respicaire PCO & Carbon Matrix technologies are effective at common indoor odors, including pets, body sweat, carpet discharges, gym odors, cooking vapors, sprays.......even indoor air fresheners that add to this artificial gas pollution.

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How can Respicaire help?

Happy family with Fresh and Clean Air by Respicaire

It is important to understand that one product will not provide a complete air cleansing solution for your indoor air environment.

We recommend a combination of products to make sure they inactivate airborne micro-organisms, they collect micro particulates and they also help minimize or eliminate Odors & VOCs in your indoor living space.

One of our engineered high efficiency air cleaner combined with an effective Ultra Violet Air Purifier to help deliver the performance for better indoor air. 



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