For the Health of Your Indoor Air™

Air purification in Commercial and Residential building is one of the most critical step in controlling airborne Viruses and other pathogens.
Most commercial indoor spaces are challenged not only by airborne Viruses, Spores, Bacteria, Mold Spores but also VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and various Odors that get trapped indoors.
Air Purification is critical for medical facilities, retirement homes, dentists, manufacturing facilities, government and educational buildings as well as offices to minimize the cross contamination of indoor spaces,
especially during the flu and cold seasons.
Air Purification has never been as important as today. For years, majority of
commercial buildings and residential homes had little or no UV Air
Purification. The Seasonal outbreaks in schools, daycares, offices and plants have been on a rise. They cause employee
absenteeism and disrupt daily operations in various industries.
Respicaire air purifiers help inactivate airborne and surface Virus, Bacteria, Mold Spores to minimize absenteeism of employees. Our air purifiers work around the clock to reduce or eliminate Odors, VOCs and gas molecules which create
discomfort and respiratory challenges indoors.
Respicaire offers various air purification technologies to make sure we have the solution tailored to your needs.